Cosmetic dentist Adelaide CBD

Everyone should feel confident in their smile and cosmetic dentistry puts the power to achieve this in your hands. With surgeries and techniques to address various aesthetic problems, cosmetic dentistry can restore your gapped, chipped or stained teeth.

Even if there’s not necessarily a problem with functionality, cosmetic dentistry can improve a range dental aesthetics in terms of shape, colour, alignment or size to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Whether you need a treatment or you just want to improve your smile, there is a range of services available under the umbrella of cosmetic dentistry:


Veneers are thin custom shells made of either composite resin or porcelain. Veneers are bonded to the front of the teeth to alter their shape and colour, improving your smile. They can be used to correct unsightly fillings, crooked/crowded teeth and much more.

Here’s a look at the two common variations:

Composite Resin: a tooth-coloured resin attached to the front surface of the teeth to correct size/shape. Unlike porcelain veneers or crowns, little to no original tooth structure is required, making them a much less painful option.

Porcelain: crafted from an incredibly thin slice, porcelain veneers are more robust than their composite counterparts and are typically used in more severe cases of tooth discolouring/malformation.

Just like teeth, veneers need to be cared for properly so make sure to ask your dentist for any information you may need.

Teeth Whitening

One of the most common treatments in cosmetic dentistry is teeth whitening. Teeth encounter many problems that can lead to discolouring such as coffee, sweets and cigarettes. Discolouration can also occur through ageing or it can even be hereditary.

Through the application of a safe bleaching gel coupled with a special light, teeth can become dramatically whiter within a one hour trip to the dentist.

Advances in Cosmetic Dentistry

Although it mainly addresses aesthetic issues, cosmetic dentistry can also improve your functional oral health, such as fixing your bite. Cosmetic dentistry has made significant advances in recent years, with improving technology promoting faster, less invasive, and more sophisticated procedures.

Jaw Misalignment

Most commonly presented as over/underbite, jaw misalignment can potentially interfere with speech, sleep, and eating. It can also greatly affect your confidence and self-esteem.

Although not a permanent fix, cosmetic dentists can reshape the lower teeth and apply veneers to the upper teeth, allowing the lower ones to rest beneath when the mouth is closed.

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

Recently, the use of Botulinum Toxin (Botox) has expanded in cosmetic dentistry past its typical therapeutic purposes. Botox can now be used in areas around the mouth to enhance a smile or build/reshape a lip. Dentists can now even use it to combat crow’s feet and laugh lines!

To find out more information about cosmetic dentistry and treatments including veneers and teeth whitening, get in touch with our team at City Central Dental. Call 08 8231 9922 or contact us online.